What is LASIK?

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In situKeratomileusis)

With LASIK surgery, a thinlayer of tissue called a “flap” iscreated on the surface of thecornea. With the flap gentlylifted, a laser delivers lightenergy to the cornea. Thisreshapes the cornea, allowinglight rays to focus properly onthe retina, providing sharp,clear vision. Following theprocedure, the flap is set backin place and serves as a naturalbandage, allowing your eye toheal quickly.

There are three types of vision corrections using laser procedure offered in the center. Before the laser procedure, a local anesthetic will be used to prevent the pain and the laser procedure will take a few minutes. Therefore, patients can have a clear vision shortly after the laser procedure.



Microkeratome LASIK

Microketatome LASIK is the vision correction using microkeratome blade to cut and create the thin flap on the upper layer of cornea and using the laser to adjust the curve of the lower layer of cornea surface with the aim to bring back the normal vision and then close the upper cornea surface back into place without stitches.




Femtosecond Laser LASIK

Femtosecond Laser LASIK is the vision correction using femtosecond laser to open and create the thin flap on the upper layer of cornea and using the laser to adjust the curve of the lower layer of cornea surface with the aim to bring back the normal vision and then close the upper cornea surface back into place without stitches.



PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)

PRK is one of the vision corrections that remove the thin outer layer of cornea without cutting and creating the thin flap. After removing the thin outer layer, the laser is used to reshape the curve of cornea surface. Patients will be wearing the contact lens in order to keep the cornea surface repaired. This method is suitable for people with mild myopia and hyperopia or people who have thin cornea as well as people in some professions.